1. 目前支持的信用卡是 visa 或者master card发行的信用卡,Visa的借记卡支持的,Master 的借记卡不支持。
Please note that AliExpress accepts credit card payment from Visa and MasterCard.
The following types of credit cards are currently unable to be accepted: charge cards, MasterCard debit card, prepaid card, electronic card, virtual card.
2. Refused(核实是否是信用卡,开通3D验证)
I have checked the error log and it indicatesthat the payment failure may be caused by using a Visa/MasterCard debit card.Please be advised to use a Visa/MasterCard personal credit card.
Please also confirm that you have activated3-D Security Code for your credit card. The 3-D Security Code for Visa iscalled Verified by Visa (VBV) and for Master Card is called MasterCard SecureCode. Please contact your credit card issuer for details if the payment isstill unable to go through smoothly.
The Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode is not the short numeric code printed on the back of the card.
If you have not activated your 3-D Secure Code yet, please contact your cardissuer to activate this service (这个3-D 不是银卡号后面的3个数字,是需要联系银行开通的)
You can also pay using a different Visa orMasterCard. If you are interested in other payment methods on AliExpress,please visit http://help.aliexpress.com/payment_method.html.
3. Delined (可能使用了借记卡)话术跟上面一致
4. 网络问题DuplicateOrder (这个错误提示基本是网络问题导致的,建议更换时间段操作)
I have checked the error log and it indicates that the payment failure may becaused by unstable network. You are advised to make payment again at anothertime.
5. Insufficient Funds (余额不足)
Please note that the payment failure forOrder XXXXX is due to insufficient account balance in the credit card used.
Please make sure that you have sufficient funds in your account and thatpayment for your order does not exceed your credit limit.
6. 6007 Card Blocked(此卡不支持在平台支付。建议更换其他信用卡)
After a checking , I noticed that the payment failure may be caused by your payment card is not supported on AliExpress.
Please note that AliExpress accepts credit card payments from Visa and MasterCard credit card.
7. 常见的还有systemerror, 首先跟买家核实卡种,看是否是信用卡,是否开通3D, 如果有开通,在确认之前是有在速卖通成功支付的记录? 如果没有,建议更换其他银行卡付款。如果有,可以告知是支付系统不稳定,建议更换时间段付款或者多尝试几次
Pleasenote that since our credit card payment channel is not stable enough, sometimesthe payment by card is unable to go through smoothly.
For your issue, you are advised to make payment againat another time or try more time
8. Invalid card 可能是支付的卡是无效的,建议跟发卡行核实。也可以跟客户确认之前是否有成功的支付记录,如果有,可能是系统不稳定导致的。
I have checked the error log and it indicates that the paymentfailure may be caused by using an invalid card, pleasekindly contact your card issuer to check it for you.
Maestro 此借记卡付款错误提示
1. Maestro 这个借记卡
System Error;或者这个付款方式下,出现的错误提示。首先核对这个是否是美国地区不能使用(既包括美国开户,也包括美国地区)
Please note that currentlyMaestro is not available to residents located in America.
The 3-D Security Code is not the short numeric code printed on the back of the card. If you have not activated your 3-D Secure Code yet, please contact your card issuer to activate this service
Pleasenote that since our payment channel is not stable enough, sometimes the paymentby cardis unable to go through smoothly, you are advisedto make payment again at another time or try more times.
When using Western Union, please refer to thefollowing steps:
1. On the checkout page, select "WesternUnion" as your payment method
2. In the Western Union section, please clickthe Generate button for the Escrow account information that you need totransfer your payment,
3. Print out the section containing your accountinformation
4. Go to a local Western Union agent to transfer yourpayment. You are advised to fill the form like this: http://help.aliexpress.com/ipay/wu_quickpay_sample.html
5. The status of your ordershould change to "Paid" within 3 business days. If the status of yourorder has not changed, please contact us with related payment statement.
1.Please noted that after you click the Generatebutton and get the Account number, it will take 24hoursto update. You are advised to make payment after 24hours.
( 生成了2013的account number ,客户需要等待24小时后去付款,不然可能会被告知: 这个account number 不存在或者是无效。建议:等待24小时在去付款。如果客户说已经超出24小时,还是无效,建议重新下单在获得新的account number ,过24小时在付款)
2.We are currently only accepting Quick Pay (consumerto business). Please do not transfer the money as Will Call (consumer toconsumer).
3. Therefore, to make sureyou can pay the order successfully, you are advised to contact Western Unionofficer to fill in the Receiver’s amount but not theSender’s amount.
4. 如果付款后,超出3工作日,订单状态没有改变,可以提交问题至:https://icschannel.alipay.com/iportal/portal.htm?locale=en_US
5. 促销订单不支持,支付限额是20.01-5,000USD
You are advised to refer to thefollowing steps to make payment by bank transfer:
1. On the checkout page, select Bank Transfer as your payment method
2. In the Bank Transfer section, you will see theEscrow account information (Beneficiary Account Number)you need to transfer your payment
3. Print out the section containing your bank transfer information
4. Go to your local bank to transfer the payment. Bring the printed banktransfer information and show it to the bank officer before making your payment
5. The status of your order should change to "Paid" within 7 businessdays. If the status of your order has not changed, please contact us
2. 付款后,7工作日内订单没有更改为等待卖家发货是正常的,如果超出7工作日订单状态没有更改,可以提交问题 https://icschannel.alipay.com/iportal/portal.htm?locale=en_US
介绍:Boleto is the payment option for Brazil buyers. Youcan find this payment method for orders below USD 3,000 per month.
1.On the checkout page, please select " Boleto" as your payment method.
2.Once you input your CPF,your personal information will be verified by the system.
3.Print out the section containing your accountinformation.
4.Go to your local agency to transfer the payment. Bringthe printed information and show it to them before making your payment.
5.To make sure your Boleto payment successfully. Pleasefinish the payment in 3 days. Otherwise, your post will be cancelled, and youcan repost you payment application from AliExpress.
Please note that the limitation for this payment is from 1 USD to3,000 USD.
Please note that the promotion order is unable to besupported by Boleto.
买家完成支付后, 7个工作内订单变成支付成功的状态。
I understand that you paid via Boleto, but your orderis still awaiting payment.
Please note that afteryou make payment by Boleto, the payment will be received within 7 businessdays, which means the status of your order should change to "Paid"within 7 business days after payment.