● Chinese Sales has problems in sales procedure.
Sales support--销售支持,如样品、售后服务等
●Time Frame.
跟客户沟通要设置time frame,一来可以引导客户有序进展,二来显示你的严肃认真。如:
① Let’s talk.— let’s talk next Wednesday.
② I will send it to you. – You will get it before May 1.
③ We are marketing in your market with special promotion.— we are marketing in your market in the coming 3 months.
④ Please let me know if you have any problem.— if you have any question, please reply to me in a week so that I can quickly arrange.
通过设置time frame,给对方一些压力和预警。
如果比较难一次到位,可以break into small steps。如If you cannot do that, please help me to …
●Building relationship.
--人性共通。所有人都喜欢跟轻松幽默的人打交道。Sales is all about philosophy and human nature.跟客户沟通,首先让自己放松下来,自信,有效沟通。
--人都喜欢加入圈子。推荐在linkedin这类专业商务的社交网络上,建立你自己的帐号与简历,加入你的目标买家group,看他喜欢看的东西,加入他喜欢的圈子。就像无印良品的一首老歌里唱的:看你看的画面 过你过的时间。先建立联系,再选择合适的机会与对方搭上connection,而不是急吼吼的卖。Don’t push openly, let business happen naturally.
--Give them first to build up a relationship.
--与其称呼你的买家为 buyer,不如尝试称呼他们为你的战略合作伙伴(strategic partner),听上去更有风险共担、共同成长的感觉;
--自信来自:non-verbal language(穿着举止、态度、肢体语言), verbal language(说的话)
Emotional connection 通过语调建立人与人的感情联系
Show love 语调中要有爱
Human relationship 语调是关于人与人的关系
No cold tone 避免冰冷的语调
●Everything is a mission. There should be always an objective.一切都有目的:一切问题都应该带有目的,一切回答都应该有目的。
Email Writing
●Before writing an email:
1. Invest some small money to find someone to write documents for your company.
2. The expectation of doing business with emails is low.
3. Chinese sales have problem in sales process.
4. If they don’t want your products, don’t be too aggressive by sending piles of emails to them. You can:
-Connect network (e.g. Linkedin, facebook)
-Get their permission of updating them
5. What’s the purpose of this email? Is it a:
--Project summary?
--Project planning?
You can never fulfill all purposes in one email.
●Chinese sales have problem in sales process.销售人员销售的步骤不清楚。
You should do the sell in a logic, progressive way. 销售得有系统有逻辑、循序渐进,不能第一次交往就说我要合作,我要订单。
很多人写邮件,没有想好这封邮件到底起什么作用。永远别指望第一封邮件就跟别人做生意。(Never say “I want to have long term corporation with you.”),就如同你跟一个姑娘第一次见面就说“希望你能嫁给我”。第一次见面,第一封邮件,只不过是要给对方留个好印象,然后顺势告诉对方接下来要干什么(电话详细沟通/样品索取/见面,等等:let’s continue our great conversation; Let’s go into a meeting.)。
邮件开头的寒暄只是寒暄,不需要过多个人化。一般用Hope this email finds you well.就很好了。如果对方你从来不认识,就不要用这句。
● “This is Becky from ….”
This is not a personal email. If you are not someone big, no need. They will find your name at the end of the email.商务邮件不同于私人邮件。如果你的职位不高,没必要在一开始介绍自己是谁,因为对方会在邮件落款看到这些信息。如果你是Director,那么就可以说This is Becky, Sales Director of XXX company.
● Subject 一些可供参考的邮件标题
-“Experienced supplier for 15 years looking for Strategic Partners”
-“Strong supply base in China”
-“Canton meeting request”
-“China sourcing”
● Don’t ask questions in the middle but at the end:不要在邮件开头或中间提问,要问就放到最后问。
“I have some questions below:…… ”
● Don’t say “friendship”.
Friends are not everywhere. You just know each other, how can you call them friends.别太自来熟。