Keep it under six sentences 控制在六句话以内
Nobody likes to read long emails. As more people are checking their emails on their phones and tablets, you need to be succinct with what you write.Try to keep it brief by using no more than six sentences. This will force you to get to the point.
Make it second priority 将其放在第二位
Don't be a slave to your inbox. If you are, someone else has power of how effective your days are and that's a recipe for disaster.Here is an easy way to get started with this:don't check your email first thing in the morning. Make it the second thing-after you have done your most important task.
Don't always respond instantly 不要总是马上回复
Email is not the best medium for urgent matters-that's where phone calls excel. However, email is great for correspondence where you don't require an immediate response.That's why you want to make it a habit to not always respond to emails immediately.
Email hotspots 电邮热点
If you constantly checking your email and you process your email as they come in, you are wasting a lot of time. Instead, you should check your email in batches. Batching tasks is an effective way of processing and getting things done that are similar in nature.
Touch it once 一次处理
Read and decide what to do right away with it. If it takes less than two minutes to respond, do it right away.If you have to respond but for some reason you can't-put the email in the drafts folder. As you come back to it, you know where to find your email and you can promptly respond.